Thursday 24 November 2016

November's meeting

This week we held our November monthly meeting and we have a few things to report. Following discussions at the Vale Youth Forum, members concerns about long lunchtime queues have been raised with professionals who are looking into carrying out some research into the issue and the impact it has on students.

Also, we've had a great idea to have some training in British Parliamentary style debating and can't wait to suggest it to the Vale Youth Forum.  Hopefully we will then be able to hold a debate on a chosen topic and invite some decision-makers to listen to our ideas.

The Trans*Form Cymru Charter was also discussed again and we are grateful to have a case study of a young person from the Vale which supports the need for a local LGBTQ guidance document for schools and organisations working with young people.

Also, please see below the new Youth Mayor poster for 2016-17, copies will be coming to schools, youth clubs and youth organisations soon!