Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Meeting the cabinet

This evening, we had our first joint meeting as the new Youth Cabinet. Three Cabinet Members and 5 Youth Cabinet Members attended the meeting. We had a bunch of progress to report back on, including our momentous trip to Mouscron in Belgium. We also had an interesting discussion around transition from primary into secondary school. The Cabinet thanked us greatly for the impressive work that had been achieved in the six months since our last joint meeting.

The meeting was followed by our general Youth Cabinet meeting. The hot topics were the 'Make Your Mark' campaign that is coming to a close; and Local Democracy Week that will see the election of the Vale's third Youth Mayor. This will also provide a great opportunity to promote our work. Dan, our current Youth Mayor, will also be attending the annual sitting of the UK Youth Parliament in London this November. We wish him well!

Monday, 26 September 2016

The Youth Show on Bro Radio.

Listen to our latest interview with Jacob on Bro Radio's Youth Show.  Thanks Jacob for the great opportunity to promote the Youth Cabinet!

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Civic Celebrations!

We would like to thank the Mayor of the Vale of Glamorgan, Councillor Stuart Egan for inviting the Youth Cabinet to attend his Civic Celebration on Saturday 10th September 2016 at Barry Memorial Hall.  It was a fantastic event where the new Mayor pledged his commitment to supporting residents of the Vale of Glamorgan.

There were special performances from young musicians from the Vale including High Street Primary School Choir, Sophie Egerstorm, Monika Stadler, Verity Belle Atkinson and the Youth Theatre Company Stage Door One.  Speeches were given by HM Deputy Lieutenant Mr Colin Jones QPM, CFtJ, DL and the Mayor himself.

It was a great celebration and we learnt more about the Mayor, his life and what he plans to do in his role.  The Mayor will be supporting two charities during his term of office: The Penarth and District Lesotho Trust and The Llandough Orchard Charity Project and we hope to support them in any way we can.