Monday, 9 October 2017

Meet & Greet

Tonight's meeting started with an informal meet & greet with the Vale of Glamorgan Cabinet.  This is the first time we met them as a group since the election.  We were paired up with a Cabinet Member and got to know one another and learnt more about each others roles.  We then delivered a presentation about the purpose of the youth cabinet and we got to share our ideas on what we would do if we were the Leader of the Council for a day.  We all felt like the Cabinet members were interested in the work we do and we look forward to working with them in the future. 

Following our meet & greet, we held our normal monthly meeting.  The topics discussed were Local Democracy Week, where we had the opportunity to vote for the next Youth Mayor and we found out where elections are being held all week. We looked at the Make Your Mark results for the Vale which will be published soon and discussed how some issues might link to our work.  We also had an extensive discussion about the Welsh Baccalaureate where we expressed the strong contempt amongst young people surrounding the subject.  This is to become a topic for us to work on as it ties in with many other issues facing young people today.