Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Last meeting of the year!

This afternoon we also conducted the last youth cabinet meeting of the term. This mainly consisted of reviewing the Youth Service satisfaction survey and putting together a final draft.  Over the past couple of weeks we have been visiting youth provisions to ask young people their opinions on the survey design and proposed questions.  Today we were able to take these suggestions on board and make the final changes.

During the meeting we were also able to update everyone on the individual work we have been involved in such as the Youth Mayor's visit to Elfed Avenue youth club and the Emoji's Presentation evening.  We also gave our Secret Santa gifts.

Merry Christmas from the Youth Cabinet!

Young People's Participation - Having a Voice

Today, we began our ACU coursework on Young People's Participation - Having a Voice.  This involved group discussions on how we have contributed our views to consultations around issues that are relevant to us.  We looked at the different methods of collecting young people's views; the barriers that prevent people from collecting young people's views and how to overcome them.

This was a really jam packed session but we covered topics that are also important to us as Youth Cabinet members.  This coursework will also link into the Youth Service Satisfaction survey we have been working on lately.  We will continue to work on this ACU in the New Year.  

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Congratulations Emojis!

I was honoured to attend the Emoji's presentation evening on behalf of the Vale Mayor on Thursday 15th December at the YMCA Hub, Barry.  It was amazing to meet the young people who have been involved in the project and have completed a 10-week course focusing on improving their confidence and self-esteem.

The Director of Learning and Skills and the Head of the Youth Service were also at the event and we all got to present young people with their certificates and watched a video showcasing the work they've been involved in.  We then enjoyed a lovely buffet and I got to play some pool and table tennis with the young people and their families.

Congratulations everyone!

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Thank you Elfed Avenue Youth Club

Tonight we visited Elfed Avenue youth club in Penarth to meet the young people  after they invited the Youth Mayor and Deputy following the election.  It was great to meet the young people, to find out what they love about attending youth club and what they get out of it.

They also helped us by taking reviewing our questions for the Youth Service Satisfaction Survey. We were able to run our draft survey past them and ask them for their suggestions on how to make it better. Thanks everyone!