Friday, 15 December 2017

Merry Christmas from the Youth Cabinet

At last night's final Youth Cabinet meeting of 2017, we met with Vale of Glamorgan Council Officer Hannah Davies  to learn more about the Council's budget and how there is a need to change the way services are provided.  This video below gives you a good overview of the current situation and how the Council are looking for new ways of working.  If you have any good ideas make sure you let the Council know by completing the current budget consultation.

For the rest of the meeting we went through the agenda and discussed some ongoing areas of work including the Welsh Bacc.  Good news ..... Welsh Government and WJEC are attending our meeting in January so we will be able to have more of an update then!

We are also progressing with trying to increase the number of work experience opportunities available within the Council and did a bit of fact finding about the current workforce.  Did you know the Council employs over 5000 people - we didn't! We also discussed the Council's Rights of Way Improvement Plan which looks at encouraging more people to access the countryside via footpaths and bridleways.

It's become tradition for the Youth Cabinet to do Secret Santa at our Christmas meeting and it was exciting to share our gifts with each other at the end!

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and an amazing 2018!

FIS Christmas Party

This week I attended the Family Information Service (FIS) Christmas Party at Barry Leisure Centre.  At the event there were many stalls showing services in the Vale of Glamorgan for children, young people and families.  I helped out at the Youth Service stall which offered fun activities for children, as well as raising awareness about the projects that it runs including the Youth Cabinet!  Although there were many more children than young people at the event, being able to talk to them and representatives from other organisations was beneficial.  I've been able to make plans to visit organisations in the future such as Rhoose Homework Club!

At the event I also had the opportunity to speak to the Council's Rural Regeneration Team and learn more about the Council's plans to improve broadband connectivity in the Vale.  This relates to my manifesto, and in the New Year I'm hoping to find out some more information from young people about what they want with regards to digital technology and digital connectivity. 

Monday, 4 December 2017

Emoji's celebration!

Last Thursday I attended the Emoji's presentation evening at the YMCA Barry.  I met with the Vale Youth Service staff who run the Emoji's project and support young people to develop confidence, self-esteem and learn to manage their emotions.  Along with the Deputy Vale Mayor, I presented certificates to the young people who had completed 10 weeks of creative work and watched a video showing what activities they had done. 

Afterwards I had the opportunity to meet the young people and talk about the project.  I also discussed the possibility of attending one of the sessions in the near future to learn more about the work they do and get involved in all the fun they have whilst on the project.